About Us

We make your sales department perform like Fortune 500 teams. For a fraction of the cost.


As early as 2001, we began to see small companies yearning for a way to handle small sales forces. There is simply no good way to manage 2-15 salespeople. We saw clients dealing with this “diseconomy of sales scale” in one of five ways:


The business owner took time away from CEO-ing to manage the sales force. Since CEOs typically do not like sales management, they invested little time in it and got little results.


No one manages sales. Sure, it was cheap, but none of the benefits of professional sales management can accrue.


Hire a cheap sales manager. This usually ended badly with the owner wishing they had skipped the expense as the person lacked the high-level skills needed.


Hire a skilled sales manager. This solved the skill issue, but the cost of managing each employee was excessive.


Promote a salesperson to a working sales manager. This solution made sense on paper and typically ended very badly. The salesperson stops selling and usually is not a great sales manager. Therefore the company got a double-whammy- lost sales and a bad sales manager.

Starting with a handful of customers in Indianapolis, the organization has grown to cover most major markets in the U.S. and Canada. The SalesQB program started with a simple philosophy – high-caliber sales management can move companies to the next level.

salesQB has the most widely-used Fractional Sales Management™ program available to business. This robust framework helps companies benefit from superstar caliber sales management at a fraction of the cost.

Our Philosophy

Unmanaged or under-managed sales forces are a financial drain. Both owners and salespeople lose money because of lost deals and imperfect sales process. SalesQB has found a way to cost-effectively manage the small business sales function and create better results for all parties.

Our second core philosophy is that good sales process out-performs reliance upon sales superstars. Having a sales god on staff is nice, but they can hold an owner hostage and create as many problems as they solve. As a bonus, the sales god owns your sales process. By creating a PRSP (Proven and Repeatable Sales Process), the business owner can wrestle control from the sales god.

Lastly, we believe that one-on-one coaching works better than sales training. Sales training works great for some, but not for all. Here’s why – sales training is only knowledge, and it’s knowledge unapplied. Sales coaching takes actual sales situations and gently changes the salesperson’s behavior. This results in gently improving performance.

 Our Vision

Skilled SalesQBs will serve North American business owners who strive for more.  We will continue to grow only as fast as we can find top talent in the local market.  For instance, there are some markets we do not currently serve.  The reason for this is that we have not found a sales star in that market who meets our standards.  We would rather leave a market unserved than under-deliver to business owners.

We believe our mission is to improve lives through business.  An underperforming sales team can be frustrating and financially stressful.  A good business equals a good life.  A bad business makes for challenging home life.  By creating the best possible business for owners, we create a more meaningful whole-life experience.

“I used to get frustrated about all our missed opportunities, whether it was salespeople blowing a deal or just never having the time to get around to all the work that needed to get done. Now my salesQB handles everything for me. Sales are up, and my stress is way down.”
– Mike Kuepper – Party Direct

Let’s talk

The SalesQB program is the result of decades of collective sales experience. If you would like to learn more about our team, company, or find a SalesQB near you, please complete the form below, and we will promptly respond.

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