Article by Ben Klopfer Deep Dive: Should You Promote Your Top Salesperson to Management? In a competitive business landscape, it is common for companies to promote their top-performing sales representatives to sales management positions. However, research and...
by Ben Klopfer If you’re a small business owner, you may feel like you’re constantly juggling multiple roles. I’ve been there–and I know I certainly did! We all have strengths in our own areas. Mine happens to be in sales. The majority of...
A few years back, I was hired by a manufacturing company who was doing 7-8 million dollars in sales per years. They had been in business about 20 years and had experienced a few growth spurts, but were now in a stagnant position the past few years They were struggling to hit the next level. ... Read more →
Even though small businesses aspire to grow, many remain modest in size despite these ambitions. While numerous factors contribute to a company’s size, one key reason small businesses often stay small is their lower rate of initiative adoption compared to larger businesses. This article will explore why starting fewer initiatives is a significant factor keeping... Read more →