If I had a nickel for every time I was promised bountiful lead flow in my inbox via LinkedIn automation, I would have a big pile of nickels. I’m guessing you feel the same way? 

Here’s our collective experience regarding LinkedIn lead generation:

  • LinkedIn lead generation is easiest for people selling LinkedIn lead generation.
  • LinkedIn lead generation can be effective, but it’s much harder than you’re being told.
  • LinkedIn leads in your inbox are most likely impossible because leads will only talk to a robot for so long.
  • Linkedin lead generation requires the investment of time and effort. If you’re not prepared to invest time and effort, it’s not a real option.

That said, LinkedIn has been a good channel for many of our clients. I’ve worked with many clients on their LinkedIn lead generation. I’ve also told many clients not to bother with LinkedIn. If you’d like to discuss your situation, I’m happy to chat.