While growing up in rural Southern Minnesota sitting at the dinner table of my grandparents’ farm, there came an additional treat every evening, more than just the traditional meal we had a conversational story that my Grandfather shared with us every evening. In retrospect, some of it fictional, some non-fictional all of it giving us a life lesson of some sort or it simply shared another perspective for us to analyze and other times an anecdote to remind us to smile and laugh.Ultimately, I still to this day remember and cherish the “Storytelling” he providing us every evening.

I attribute my public speaking, my salesman regime, and sales management style to those stories being a keystone and foundation of my upbringing. Storytelling, as you know has always been a favorite and memorable way to carry an appropriate message. The success of it has always been apparent, and today it is utilized continuously in business applications, education, and the spreading of knowledge with the power of POD Casts, sales blogs, and ever-heightening popularity “TED Talks.”

Storytelling is a fascinating tool for a sales force to utilize; it is best to employ after intently listening to the prospective client’s problem or needs. Then passionately and eloquently, conveying your opportune story that the potential client readily identify. When the story is complete, it is then time for the sales force to tie back the need and display to the client how this story answers their needs and how it will solve an issue the client has or benefit the client. Knowing what different stages of a sales interaction to apply the story or parable is “KEY” to the story to use and how it is structured, as well.

Please, add your comments to the storytelling you use “When you use them?” “How you use them and Why? “