The conventional sales wisdom says that increasing sales is best accomplished by improving the quality of the sales team. For the Fortune 500, investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in training, recruiting and paying top-tier talent is a viable strategy.
When was your last Sales Ops Physical?
If you’re like most small business CEOs who have proudly crossed over to profitability, you’re now probably focused on that dynamic product, solution or tool that will take you to your next revenue goal!
Bad Voicemails – Email Edition
We are receiving many more bad emails than bad voicemails these days so we thought it was appropriate to expand our popular blog series to include Bad Emails. Below you will find...
Everyone is in the Education Marketing Business
Ask yourself, "What does a salesperson do?" Do they "sell?" No way. The prospect won't allow someone to subject them to a pure sales call. Prospects want to be educated, not...
Bad Voicemails Installment 12 – Continued
Here's a follow on voicemail from the original voicemail Note: we have never purchased anything from this company yet they are our "trusted source." Now we are...
What We Do
Less than 10 salespeople? Learn how to remove the headache of sales management.
Statistically, a player-coach is a bad idea for your sales team
In Major League Baseball (MLB) since 1950, there have been 38 player-coaches. Of those 38 player-coaches, only one team won a championship with a player-coach. That team was the...
Deep Dive: Should You Promote Your Top Salesperson to Management?
Article by Ben Klopfer Deep Dive: Should You Promote Your Top Salesperson to Management? In a competitive business landscape, it is common for companies to promote their...
Benefits of Outsourced Sales Management
by Ben Klopfer If you're a small business owner, you may feel like you're constantly juggling multiple roles. I've been there--and I know I certainly did! We all have strengths...
The non-financial cost of a broken sales function
It's easy to daydream about all the lost sales that a better-performing sales department could recover. But dollars aren't the only cost. If you have a sales function not...
Phantom costs could be killing your profits
I love a good bargain as much as the next person, but I learned a valuable lesson about phantom costs. That is, those costs that don't show up on your income statement but drain...
let’s talk
The SalesQB program is the result of decades of collective sales experience. If you would like to learn more about our team, company, or find a SalesQB near you, please complete the form below and we will promptly respond.